Applied Science
Exam Board
For more information contact:
Miss F Pearson
Brief introduction:
Applied science in OLSC is a course that has been offered over many years and teachers have a lot of experience delivering the course. OLSC Applied science results are within the top 10% nationally for results meaning you will have the best possible chance to achieve the grades you deserve.
A level courses – A minimum of Grade 5 in English Language and Maths, you will also need at least Grade 7 in the subject you wish to study. Please check the exact course requirements with individual subjects as they may vary.
Applied science lasts two years, with exams at the end of the first term (January). These are for units 1 and 3. The rest of the units are all coursework based and are linked to practical activities such as:
- Making aspirin
- Making nail varnish remover.
- Titrating substances to find unknown concentrations.
- Making stock solutions with specific concentrations.
- Using colorimetry to test concentration.
- Using calorimetry to test for purity.
- Dissecting muscles around a wing.
- Dissecting a heart.
- Using new applications for electricity.
Year 12
- Principles and application of Science for Biology chemistry and physics.
- Practical Scientific procedures and techniques.
- Science Investigation skills.
- Laboratory techniques and their application.
Year 13
- Physiology of human body systems.
- Human regulation and reproduction.
Studying Applied science gives you all sorts of exciting career options, including:
- Secondary school teacher.
- Acoustic consultant
- Astronomer
- Computer programmer
- Nurse
- Midwife
- Lab technician.
The top seven degree courses taken by students who have a BTEC in applied science are:
- Biomedical science
- Sports therapy
- Pharmaceutical science
- Paramedic science
- Radiography
- Biological life sciences
- Nursing
- Veterinary nursing
- and applied chemistry