Entry requirement for Our Lady and St Chad Catholic Academy Sixth Form are:
BTEC courses – 5 GCSE Grade 4 (or equivalent) or higher, including a minimum of Grade 4 in English Language or Maths
A level courses – 5 GCSE grade 5 or higher, including a minimum of Grade 5 in English Language and Maths, you will also need at least Grade 6/7 in the subject you wish to study. Please check the exact course requirements with individual subjects as they may vary.
Students will need attendance greater than 95%, and students cannot have suspensions or any St Aloysius in Year 11.
Progression from Year 12 into Year 13
In order to progress from the first year to the second year of your A-Level or Vocational courses, you will need to demonstrate that you have the potential to be successful in the final assessment for that course. Therefore, by the end of the first year of study, you must be working at the following grades as a minimum in order to enrol on to the second year of a course:
Grade C [A-Level courses]
Merit [Vocational courses]
This is done to ensure that students do not spend two years studying for courses which ultimately result in disappointing outcomes. This end of Year 12 review point is important as it enables us to look at possible alternative programmes of study where appropriate. This in turn gives students the very best chance of ultimately being successful. At regular points throughout the year teachers will be asked to assess whether students are meeting the required standards, if students are judged to not have met the required standard then targets and support will be put in place with an agreed plan of action being drawn up between the Sixth Form College and the student, this plan will be shared with parents and regularly reviewed by subject teachers.