A-Level Geography
Exam Board
For more information contact Head of Department:
Miss Z McWilliams
Brief introduction to subject:
The Geography department at OLSC continues to be a high-performing department with year-on-year outstanding results.
Geographers learn to question and analyse the world around them. Geographers are suited to a multitude of careers for this reason.
In year 12 students spend 5 days on residential fieldwork in Scotland. This is the highlight of all Geographer's time in the 6th form.
Geography goes well with lots of subjects. It has clear links with the sciences and a science background lends itself well to geography. Students have to complete an in depth independent investigation so studying English alongside Geography would also be beneficial.
Course Requirements
A minimum of Grade 5 in English Language and Maths, you will also need at least Grade 7 in the subject you wish to study. Please check the exact course requirements with individual subjects as they may vary.
There are 4 examined components at the end of this course:
Paper 1: Physical Systems. 66 marks. 1-hour 30-minute paper. 22% of total A-Level.
Paper 2: Human Interactions. 66 marks. 1-hour 30-minute paper. 22% of total A-Level.
Paper 3: Geographical Debates. 108 marks. 2 hours 30 minutes paper. 36% of total A-Level.
Investigate Geography: coursework based on fieldwork. 60% marks. 20% of total A-Level.
‘The study of geography is about more than just memorizing places on a map. It's about understanding the complexity of our world, appreciating the diversity of cultures that exists across continents. And in the end, it's about using all that knowledge to help bridge divides and bring people together’. -Barack Obama
Year 12
Coasts Disease Dilemmas Changing Spaces, Making Places Field Work NEA-Independent Investigation Geographical Skills
Year 13
Earth’s Life Support Systems Migration Human Rights Future of Food NEA-Independent Investigation Geographical Skills
Geographers learn to question and analyse the world around them. Geographers are suited to a multitude of careers for this reason.
While Geography isn't directly a 'vocational' degree, Geography graduates are trained to deal with multivariate problems, are skilled in information retrieval, data management and computing, and are used to working on their own initiative, and as such are highly employable in a variety of professions.
Graduates enter many different careers, including industry and commerce, planning, teaching, finance, social work, environmental management and conservation, the media, politics, and the Civil Service.
100% A*-E 40% A*-B
100% A*-E 100% A*-B