The 16-19 Tuition Fund

This statement outlines how the 16 – 19 Tuition Fund will be used to support student learning at OLSC

What is the 16 – 19 Tuition Fund?

The 16 – 19 Tuition Fund has been made available by The Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) to help schools and colleges mitigate the disruption of learning arising from the Coronavirus pandemic. The fund is ring-fenced and must be used to provide eligible students with additional tuition as outlined by the ESFA. Full details can be accessed here:

Who will be supported by the 16 – 19 Tuition Fund ?

The funding will be used to provide eligible students with group and one-to-one tuition in English, mathematics and other subject areas where student performance has been affected by Coronavirus. Students must be aged between

16 to 19 and tutoring will be prioritised using the following eligibility criteria:

  • Year 12 Students who did not achieve grade 4 or 5 in GCSE English and/or mathematics, are from an economically disadvantaged backgrounds and need catch-up support. (These are defined as students from the 27% most economically deprived areas of the country based on the index of multiple deprivation)
  • Year 13 students who benefit from the school 16 – 19 bursary fund

How will the funding be used?

The 16 – 19 Tuition Fund will be used to provide learners with group (maximum of 5 students) or one-to-one tutoring in key subject areas. Tutoring will be provided by a third-party provider who will host the virtual tutoring sessions and record student progress. This tuition will be scheduled in addition to the planned programme of study and students will attend timetabled lessons as usual.

OLSC is committed to ensuring that The 16 – 19

Tuition Fund is spent in accordance with the ESFA guidance by:

  • Producing this statement to outline how the funding will be used to support learners
  • Publishing this statement on the school website
  • Recording the use of the fund, including references to individual students who receive support, the needs of those students, the number of hours of tuition delivered and retaining the evidence of the tuition provided
  • Facilitating the extra tuition and spending the allocated funds in the 2021/2022 academic year
  • Notifying the ESFA of any underspend at the end of 2022 for it to be reclaimed

Priority Groups

Priority 1: learners with a grade 3 or lower GCSE grade in English language OR mathematics

Priority 2: learners with a grade 4 or lower GCSE grade in English language OR mathematics

Priority 3: learners from a postcode which attracts Block 1 Disadvantage Funding.

Learners qualify by the highest priority group in which they sit (a learner can be in 1, 2 or all 3 groups; when completing the FAM census element, the highest group will be used). Having identified learners the school will begin the process of identifying in which of their subjects they have fallen behind due to the pandemic and, if they require additional support, how this should best be delivered.